Monday, August 31, 2009

Successful Initial FFFF Board of Directors Meeting

This evening was the first Freethought Film Festival Foundation Board of Directors meeting. In attendance was Vice Chairperson, Rebecca Collins; Secretary, Jennifer Wiley; and myself. We went over our initial corporate documents, approved the bylaws and budget, and discussed the mission of FFFF and how we as board members will promote that mission.

The enthusiasm of the board will be clearly reflected in our attention to detail in the planning and fundraising efforts moving forward. Included in the plans that were approved, is the "Behind the Scenes" Contributors' Circle. The BTS Circle includes levels from Individual Circle Contributor to Star Sponsorship. The benefits range from discount tickets to being a part of the film selection process. There are many contribution levels from which to choose.

It is exciting to be a part of this program. We all agree that we hold an expectation for the Freethought Film Festival event to be first rate. The Board of Directors of FFFF will work diligently toward that goal.

Andrea Steele
Chairperson/Executive Director
Freethought Film Festival Foundation

Sunday, August 30, 2009

FFFF Budget Projection is Finished

I have put close to 20 hours in two days into creating a budget plan for the first year of the Freethought Film Festival Foundation. The projected expenses for the Freethought Film Festival and operational costs have been well researched. The proposed budget will be discussed at our Board of Directors meeting tomorrow evening. If I left anything out, we'll make adjustments. Today I will be working on the FFFF bylaws so that they will be ready for the meeting. Our "Behind the Scenes" Contributors' Circle levels will also be discussed. If the proposed levels are approved, I will be adding this information to the FFFF Website this upcoming week.

Travel may be in my future, as I recently learned of the Atheist Alliance International Conference in L.A.. Attending this event would be a phenomenal networking opportunity for the Freethought Film Festival Foundation. The timing couldn't be better...nor could the location!...Seriously! Oh, and incidentally...Bill Maher will be in attendance.

Andrea Steele
Chairperson/Executive Director
FreethoughtFilm Festival Foundation

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Intro Press Release and Such

Today I tackled multiple tasks in the promotion of FFFF. Three endorsements were confirmed and added to a new FFFF Endorsements Webpage. Atheists Alliance International, Atheists of Florida (a local branch of AAI) and The Infidel Guy Show are official endorsers of the efforts of the Freethought Film Festival Foundation. An introductory press release was authored by me and sent to the newsrooms of six local media outlets. The press release was also sent to several national organizations that champion reason; and I also added it to the FFFF Website.

I received two very informative calls back from insurance companies with which I left messages yesterday, and I now have a figure on liability insurance that I can add to the projected expenses for FFFF. A budget of projected expenses, revenue, ect. will be ready for the FFFF Board of Directors meeting next week.

The perfect ending to a great day of working on that which I am passionate....watching the finale episode of Penn & Teller's Bullshit about the Vatican with my family.

Andrea Steele
Chairperson/Executive Director
Freethought Film Festival Foundation

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Busy, Busy, Busy

Today was spent researching many, many, many other film festivals. In addition to research, I combed through the venue rental guidelines and fees, wrote a proposed event schedule so that I could project how many films are needed, and went over so many numbers that my eyes were crossing by the time I finally had to stop to feed my family dinner. I also called several different insurance companies that deal with non-profits to get quotes on Common General Liability insurance for the event. It is important to know the premium at this juncture so that the cost can be added to the FFFF budget.

Included in today's planning was proposed entry fees for film submissions, length of film submissions, and categories. Projected revenue from entry fees, and ticket and event passes were assessed. The projections are very conservative from just these two sources of revenue, and so far the numbers are in the black. Not yet factored are projected contributions, sponsorships, grants and memberships.

The most important element of this organization is the establishment of a scholarship fund. The student filmmakers who are courageous enough to break through the status quo in order to champion reason through their art, should be awarded when their films exhibit excellence to this affect. That is why the contributions of individuals, organizations and foundations are vital to this endeavor.

While I perused the Websites of at least a dozen film festivals today, I was encouraged by the fact that there were so many patrons of the art of moving pictures. FFFF has a unique goal in its attempt at nudging freethought into an established genre of film. If this is a cause in which you personally feel would benefit the promotion of critical thinking, reason and freedom of inquiry in our culture, please consider a contribution to the Freethought Film Festival Foundation.

Andrea Steele
Chairperson/Executive Director
Freethought Film Festival Foundation

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

FFFF Is Official

The Freethought Film Festival Foundation has filed its Articles of Incorporation with the State of Florida and is officially a non-profit corporation. The FFFF Board of Directors is working on the necessary language to include in the bylaws to file for 501(c)(3) status. A "Behind the Scenes Contributors' Circle" is an idea in the works for those who would like to advance the mission of the FFFF once 501(c)(3) status is granted. Contributions to the FFFF will then be tax deductible.

Look us up on Facebook, become a Fan and use that "Share" button to help spread the word.

Andrea Steele
Chairperson/Executive Director
Freethought Film Festival Foundation

Monday, August 24, 2009

FFFF Board of Directors Established

The first Freethought Film Festival Foundation Board of Directors has been established. FFFF's initial board is made up of three Directors. The titles for the Directors are Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, and Secretary. The articles of incorporation have been written, and upon board approval, will be filed with the state of Florida to establish FFFF as a non-profit organization.

FFFF Board members include myself-Andrea Steele-as Chairperson/Executive Director, Rebecca Collins as Vice-Chairperson, and Jennifer Wiley as Secretary. I look forward to working with Rebecca and Jennifer to launch this organization and move forward on its mission. Bios of the FFFF Board of Directors are not yet available, but I would like to include this information on the FFFF Website by the end of the week if we are all in agreement.

Andrea Steele
Chairperson/Executive Director
Freethought Film Festival Foundation

Saturday, August 22, 2009

The Public and Challenging Cinema

With the production of major motion pictures that prove to be a fantastical escape for moviegoers, one might wonder how any film produced with the intent to enlightening can ever hope to compete in such a realm. The release of thought provoking movies like "Religulous", "An Inconvenient Truth", "Farenheit 9/11", "Supersize Me", "Sicko", "Food, Inc.", and films that shed light on little known history such as "W.", "Frost/Nixon" and "Milk", reveals that the public is not shying away from challenging cinema.

While these movies' earnings did not compare to the likes of "The Lord of the Rings", their box office grosses were nothing at which to scoff. With DVD rental programs like Netflix and movies on demand via cable boxes, gaming systems and fiber optics; social, cultural and historical documentaries and independent films are more accessible than ever before. Subject matter that may seem too personal for someone to be seen viewing in a theater can be viewed in the privacy of one's home with the added option of pausing and discussing at will.

With this in mind, filmmakers who would like to see the advancement of critical thinking, reason, scientifically supported social change, and the freedom to question tradition and authority, should be encouraged by these technological mediums through which their art can be accessed. There is an established audience for these sorts of films. There are also many quiet and curious consumers of thoughtful pieces who may be waiting for the subject matter to become less controversial.

Challenging cinema is in a league of its own. Opening up a new genre of film making that reflects freethinking philosophies can have a valuable impact on how the public views the non-theistic, non-religious, non-conventional, and non-conforming individuals in our society. Exposure to personal stories and entertaining presentations of controversial subjects has the potential to foster a shift from emotional to rational and encourage dialogue. The number of moviegoers recorded to have attended such aforementioned films shows that the public is not shy about films that challenge their current perspectives. Filmmakers, in turn, should not be shy about producing that which may be controversial--but which is also in demand.

Andrea Steele
Chairperson/Executive Director
Freethought Film Festival Foundation

Monday, August 17, 2009

First Freethought Video Scavenger Hunt Extended

The first FFFF Freethought Video Scavenger Hunt has been extended to August 30th, 2009. You must register by midnight Friday, August 28th to participate.
For guidelines and how to participate visit the following link:

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Promoting Education and an Art

A unique aspect of the FFFF is that it will be reaching out to young film makers to encourage them to use their talent to specifically produce films to promote reason. I want to accomplish this by creating a scholarship fund for awarding outstanding film makers whose work will be screened at the Freethought Film Festival(s). A scholarship award will support the educational endeavors of fledgling freethinkers, and encourage them to express a voice of reason through their art of film making.

FFFF is going to be making calls for film submissions to university film departments when the venue has been secured and a scholarship fund is established. If you know of any philanthropist whose passion is film, send her or him our way. Those who choose to interpret life through natural and scientific means and are wondering what they could do as an individual to help buffer the bombardment of superstitious thinking can make an important impact by contributing to the FFFF Scholarship Fund.

Future producers, directors, scriptwriters, actors and the like, will undoubtedly play a major role in shaping the minds of the next generation; just as the film industry is doing today. Film is a powerful medium for education (and unfortunately misinformation) as well as entertainment, and we need to encourage the creation of films that counter the status quo. The Freethought Film Festival Foundation is a means to realize such encouragement of critical thinking, education and art through film.

Andrea Steele
Chairperson/Executive Director
Freethought Film Festival Foundation

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Thrilled to Learn of a Similar Successful Event!

I just found out that an Atheist Film Festival took place in San Francisco this past June! Eagerly I await a response to an e-mail I sent to the founder/producer of that event to learn of its success. My hope is to gain some tips on making the planning and execution of the Freethought Film Festival as smooth as possible.

The content on the About page of the FFFF Website was added this morning. I feel better.

I received more positive feedback today from another organization who is willing to assist in promoting the Freethought Film Festival. I am awaiting permission to add their link to the FFFF Links page under "Supporters".

Andrea Steele
Chairperson/Executive Director
Freethought Film Festival Foundation

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Launched Website & Sought Support

Half of today was spent on reaching out to organizations with whom I worked in the past. They were informed of the FFFF mission and asked for their endorsement of the project. I received some positive feedback from one group and learned of a local coalition in the works...quite timely.

The second half of the day was spent building the FFFF Webpage. I wasn't able to add all of the content that I wanted to today, but I plan on adding more tomorrow. Back in March, I made a FFFF needs list. (I refuse to call it a wish list) That was one of the main things I wanted to publish on the site but I just didn't have time...tomorrow I will add it.

I would very much like to share detailed plans of this event, but at this stage I want to be certain that I have support of the freethought community to make this a success. Incorporation is the first goal, and this will occur when funds are raised for the filing fees. The Freethought Video Scavenger Hunt is the first effort toward this goal. I hope it catches on.

Andrea Steele
Chairperson/Executive Director
Freethought Film Festival Foundation

Monday, August 10, 2009

FFFF Will Promote Freethought From Many Angles

I have had the idea of organizing a Freethought Film Festival since 2002. At about the same time that I became a freethought activist, I also became a fan of independent films. The Tampa Theatre became my church, and my favorite annual event became the IFC Film Festival. Inspiration filled me after I attended these film festivals, and I have had this ember inside of me ever since my being introduced to independent films.

The Freethought Film Festival project is one that I am confident will be well received by others who value critical thinking, reason, and a non-superstitious view of our world. Not only is it a focused means through which freethought ideas can be presented to the public, but it also encourages artistic expression--a treasured humanist value. With the popularity of the movie "Religulous", and the increased visibility in the media of freethinking public figures and ideas, I think that there has never been a better time than now to make this happen.

Film makers will have a motivation to take on subject matter from which they might have passed due to social pressure. It is well known within rationalist realms that the freethinking demographic is disproportionately "mature". The Freethought Film Festival will have particular focus toward the younger generation, as a scholarship award is one of the goals of the FFFF. Young artists will be given a clear message that it is quite acceptable to question tradition for the sake of tradition, and be encouraged to portray the importance of critical thinking and freedom of inquiry through their film making talents.

A Freethought Film Festival will reach out to the next generation of freethinkers through a medium that this culture loves. Film entertains, illuminates, and educates, and it would provide great benefit to the freethought movement if this project was embraced by those who want to see it strengthen AND GROW.

Andrea Lynn Steele
Chairperson/Executive Director
Freethought Film Festival Foundation