-Our Facebook Page went up.
-Our Website was built.
-Our non-profit incorporation was established.
-We welcomed the American Humanist Association and Center for Inquiry-Tampa Bay as our first committed film sponsors.
-Enthusiastic endorsements confirmed the support of other freethinking organizations/groups/Websites.
-We opened up our Call for Submissions in October.
-We shared our mission at the Atheist Alliance International Convention in Los Angeles.
-We set up a partnership with Withoutabox for film submissions.
-We became participating partners in the Tampa Bay Coalition of Reason.
-We filed for 501(c)3 non-profit exemption to make donations tax deductible. (pending...we should know in less than 60 days if we have been approved)
-We had a great turnout of submissions for those who took advantage of our Early Bird Deadline.
-The number of Facebook fans reached 150...not bad!
It is likely that there were other milestones that have escaped my memory (there have been so many). The point is, with so much of the groundwork already laid out, we are off to a great start in 2010!
If you are excited about our mission of promoting reason, critical thinking and freedom of inquiry through the medium of film; and excited about the International Freethought Film Festival as the expression of that mission; share with others your enthusiasm. You can do this by sharing our Notes and Updates, suggesting our Page to your Facebook friends, write about us in your blogs or in discussion groups, and inform any local groups in which you may be involved.
Best in reason,

Andrea Steele
Executive Director
Freethought Film Festival Foundation