Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Inspiring Films Can Ignite Individual Action

Today I saw the film Pirate Radio. It is based on a true story of a pirate radio station that played rock music, which was banned from the airwaves in Great Britain. (Plus, the disc jockeys were on the raunchy side to boot.) The station was set up on a ship that was anchored off the coast of England in the late 60’s. Despite discouragement from authorities, they had over 20 million listeners. Ultimately, the British Government went to some lengths in an attempt to shut them down. Regardless of such attempts, the pirate radio station persisted because of their passion for rock music.

Stories of people, who have the courage of their convictions to stand up to authorities whose policies defy common sense, have always been an inspiration to me. There are many films that reflect this freethought concept, which have the potential to stir a viewer to action toward her or his own personal convictions. Too many people feel as if their opinions, ideals and passions are insignificant; and that any action on their part would be ineffectual, and an utter waste of time. Such films remind us that it is not impossible for one person to be a catalyst for change.

Here is a list of a few films that may spark some inspiration:

• Inherit the Wind
• Iron Jawed Angels
• Schindler’s List
• Gandhi
• Milk
• Julia/Julia
• Norma Rae
• Braveheart
• People vs. Larry Flynt
• Salt of the Earth
• Matewan
• Erin Brockovich
• Ansel Adams: American Experience (documentary)
• Eleanor Roosevelt: American Experience (documentary)
• Walt: The Man Behind the Myth (documentary)
• Tesla: Master of Lightning (documentary)
• Mark Twain (documentary)
• U.S. vs John Lennon (documentary)

Andrea Steele
Freethought Film Festival Foundation